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FAQ Docuvieware Lite

DocuVieware Lite F.A.Q

Everything you need to know about DocuVieware Lite!

A comparison matrix can be found here.
The best way to test DocuVieware Lite features is to follow one of the two dedicated tutorials, here for ASP.NET Web Forms and here for MVC Razor.
This is very easy, you just have to call the [RegisterKEY] method from the DocuViewareLicensing in the Application_Start event as demonstrated in this tutorial for ASP.NET Web Forms and in this one for MVC Razor.
No, DocuVieware Lite license key works for both development and deployment context.
No, DocuVieware Lite can be used by as many developers as you need without any restriction.
No, DocuVieware Lite can be used on as many servers as you need without any restriction.
No, DocuVieware Lite can be deployed in both distribution models without any restriction.
The DocuVieware Lite logo cannot be removed from the toolbar, this is only possible in the full DocuVieware product.
Yes, you can obtain non-priority technical support from our team through the dedicated forum.
In case your issue involves personal or sensitive data that cannot be shared on a community forum, you can contact our team at